Thursday, June 28, 2007

My 18 year old son let me view his Facebook page - wow! He just created it in the last few days and has over 120 "friends", 2 albums of pix and gosh knows what all else. So that's a bit of what sucks up all of a teenager's time! Now I know that they type, text, click, connect, upload, post, create drag, drop, etc. much faster than I, but even so it sucks up more time than most of us realize.


Alan Zuckerman said...

I sometimes find it scary when I recognize how much time can go into these little cyber-entertainments. And that's what most of it is: entertainment. All the talk about productivity tools, making life easier, etc. is mostly hype. For the websites, it's all about generating traffic. For the users, it's all about play. Not bad per se, but how do I want to divide up my limited play time? How much for the web, how much for reading, how much for cooking, cheesemaking, beekeeping, walking, hiking, traveling, talking, visiting friends (well, I don't really have any, so that's no big issue), gardening, playing music, and on and on? If I narrow it down to Flickr, YouTube, FaceBook and all those other compound words with 2 upper case letters, then I'm narrowing down my world as well (despite the insistence that the web opens up the world, which it does in a way, but...).

beachy librarian said...

I agree with Alan - these things can be an incredible time waster. For better or worse, though, Facebook and Utube are part of the culture of teenagers. I have seen some definitely R-rated Facebook pages, and my daughter told me all her friends removed theirs as they started job-hunting! Be glad your son let you see his!